A talk in Irish and English on the life of Gaelic scholar Fr Harry Coyle
Ranganna ar amhránaíocht sean-nós de Chúige Uladh
Cláraigh linn ag an nasc seo: https://forms.gle/JbKKmj4684HTKTKh9
Irish Language Classes for Adults - Autumn and Winter 2021
Feis Oileáin agus Cluaine 2021 - Feis na Paindéime - Fíorúil agus do chách!
Coalisland/Clonoe Feis 2021 - The Pandemic Feis - Virtual and for Everyone!
Cruinniú Cinn Bhliana
Cairde Uí Néill holds its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 24 Feb 2021 - New blood always welcome!
Cairde Uí Néill by cairdeuineill
Hello, World!