Deireadh Seachtaine Eachtraíochta
do Theaghlaigh i gCipiúr, Co. Chill Mhantáin
Tá deireadh seachtaine eachtraíochtaí á reáchtáil ag Glór na nGael do theaghlaigh Gaeilge ar an Aoine 15 agus an Satharn 16 Bealtaine 2015 in Ionad Eachtraíochta Chipiúr. Lonnaithe i sléibhte Chill Mhantáin timpeall tríocha nóiméad ón M50/Tamhlacht agus caoga nóiméad ó lár chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath, tá 240 acra talún ag an eastát faoi dhuilliúir agus aitinn.
Beidh réimse imeachtaí ar siúl le linn na deireadh seachtaine a bheidh oiriúnach d’aoisghrúpaí éagsúla ó pháistí óga go dtí déagóirí agus beidh rianóireacht agus cluichí foirne san áireamh.
De ghnáth, chosnódh an imeacht oíche amháin agus lá seo €50 an duine ach le lacáiste ó Ghlór, costnóidh sé €30 an duine. Agus is féidir le teaghlaigh fanacht don dara oíche, oíche Shatharn, ar a gcostas féin de €35 ar leaba agus bricfeasta.
Tá tuilleadh eolais ar fáil ó Marcas Mac Ruairí, GLÓR +353 86 171 9755
NÓTA: Reachtálfar an imeacht seo go hiomlán trí Ghaeilge.
Weekend of activities
for families with Irish in Kippure, Co. Wicklow
Glór na nGael is organising an adventure-filled weekend for families with Irish on 15 and 16 May 2015 in the Kippure Adventure Centre, Co. Wicklow. Located in the Wicklow Mountains, the 240 acre estate is fifty minutes from the centre of Dublin and thirty minutes from the M50/Tallaght.
The family weekend will feature a programme of activities suited to all age-groups from younger children to teens and will include team games and orienteering.
Normally costing €50 per person for one night stay and the following day’s activities, Glór will offer a discount to reduce the cost to €30. And families will have the option of staying a second night at the additional cost of €35 for bed and breakfast.
Further information is available from Marcas Mac Ruairí, Glór na nGael at marcas@glornangael.ieor by phone on +353 86 171 9755.
This event will held solely through the medium of Irish.