Tá scoláireachtaí ar fáil ó CLG Thír Eoghain do na Coláistí Samhraidh sa Ghaeltacht i mbliana. Gheobhaidh tú an fhoirm iarratais anseo. Ní mór an fhoirm seo bheith comhlíonta agus curtha ar ais chuig Ceannáras CLG Thír Eoghain, Garbhachadh roimh 12 nóin Dé hAoine 15 Bealtaine 2015.
Scholarships are available from Tyrone GAA for the Summer Colleges in the Gaeltacht this year. You will find the application form here. The completed form must be returned to the Tyrone GAA Centre, Garvaghey by 12 noon on Friday 15th May 2015.